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When you find yourself in need of an ERISA attorney due to a disability, you then have to make a critical choice: For me, that choice was Talia Ravis. Talia and her team take the time and treat you like you are more then a case. After dealing with a disability and the insurance company, you are already in a really tough place. Then needing to make the next step and find an attorney who is knowledgeable and compassionate – two things you don’t often find – the choice of Talia could well be the best choice you have ever made.


I was diagnosed with a life altering disease and hired Talia to help me get my insurance company to do what they were supposed to and pay for my coverage. After our initial meeting, Talia set out a plan of action and followed through with me every step of the way. We were in constant communication via phone or email while she was filing my appeal and she kept me informed as to the status of that appeal the entire time. I found her at a moment in my life when I really needed someone to fight for me, and she did with exceptional tenacity and grit. She won the appeal and got my insurance company to pay for my treatment. She did nothing less than save my life.

Abigail H.

If you have a disability policy at some point throughout your disability no matter how disabled you are your claim most likely will be denied. After having your claim denied 3 times your benefits can be terminated. If not enough information is in your file to support your disability you could lose your benefits you rightfully deserve. I now know this because i was in this position. There is so much more to the laws regarding ERISA and trust me insurance companies are not on your side. In order to win back your benefits you will need someone knowledgeable in how ERISA and your state laws work. I was lucky enough to find Talia Ravis to inform me of ERISA and help win my case. Please don’t wait until you are denied your benefits 3 times before you decide to choose a lawyer. Please don’t choose just any lawyer because it will determine if you win or lose your case. I chose Talia and she did win my case. She is one of the top lawyers in the country in her field and there are not many as knowledgeable of ERISA and how it works. Talia kept me well informed throughout the case and knew I deserved my benefits and fought hard to win my case. Thanks to Talia, I now feel secure to have these benefits back that my insurance company tried to keep from me.


Talia did a great job for me when a disability insurance company cancelled my benefits. She found doctors for me to go to who agreed that after a traumatic brain injury I couldn’t go back to work. She was patient and kind when I was upset or confused, she saw me as a person, not a number. I highly recommend her if you need a lawyer who works hard and cares.

Diane P.

A member of my family was denied medical coverage for benefits desperately needed. We looked for an attorney to help us and were referred to Ms. Ravis. She was successful in a timely manner in getting the insurance company to accept coverage. I strongly recommend her to anyone in a similar situation.

Brent P.

Tali was a blessing in this court case. It wasn’t going to be an easy case but she took it on regardless. She was very supportive during the case and easy to get in contact with, along with keeping me posted with updates as they came in. She was even there for moral support and offered to be there to talk to if I needed an ear during this stressful case. She was diligent and refused to be bullied by the company we were suing. I got very lucky to have found Tali to fight this case for me, otherwise I don’t think I would have ended up with a successful outcome. I would recommend her to anyone. I was very happy with her and how my case was handled.

Sarah P.

I had great experience with The Talia Ravis Law firm. Tali has a wonderful personality and well educated. She’s caring (putting my needs 1st) and always made sure I understood each detail of my case. I would definitely recommend her to someone else and hire her again!

Lynette S.

Talia Ravis is a fantastic attorney! I was completely lost with what to do when my benefits were taken away from me. I called her. I liked her. Through it all, I trusted her. I am so glad I did. We won. To us it really matters. She fights for that!

Chrissy H.

I recently retained Talia to represent me in a long-term disability claim against a difficult insurance company. Because I was a relatively high earning professional, it was to the insurance company’s benefit to stall as much as possible and to deny every step of the way. Talia represented me throughout the process and, as a direct result of her knowledge of ERISA and her skills as a tough litigator, we were able to resolve the claim. I encourage individuals with potential ERISA claims to speak with Talia. She is the most knowledgeable ERISA attorney I know, she knows the tactics employed by the insurance companies, understands the value of the claims, is intricately familiar with ERISA law, and is a tough litigator and negotiator.

Christina N.

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