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We Know All That There is to Know About Insurance Companies

At The Law Office Of Talia Ravis, PA, we have almost two decades of experience handling disability claims for Kansas and Missouri clients. Ms. Ravis is also licensed in Florida and Federal courts in Iowa, Nebraska, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. We know all that there is to know about insurance companies and how to obtain our clients’ benefits. Each disability carrier is different in how it writes policies and manages its daily business. But they all have one thing in common – they regularly wrongfully deny or terminate claims. These actions can leave you at a loss for what to do, but our team is here to help. We regularly represent clients when companies deny their claims. Please reach out to us today for additional information or to discuss your case.

Kansas City

How We Can Help in Your Fight to Obtain Benefits

As a seasoned insurance litigation law firm in the Kansas City area, we understand how insurance companies work. We use this knowledge and our legal expertise to help you hold them accountable for the action they should be taking – working for you and providing benefits. Our team will assist you in your fight to obtain the benefits you are entitled to under the terms of your health insurance policy. Together with your treating physicians, we will work to build a strong case and attempt to prove that you are entitled to receive benefits for your condition. We work hard in the fight to gain access to the benefits your hard-earned dollars paid for each paycheck.

Courthouse exterior

We Represent Clients Covered Under Many Insurance Plans

We understand that there are countless disability, life, and health insurance plans available to employees. Though each one is slightly different, our team has the skills and knowledge to help you demand your rightful benefits. Our team can represent those covered under any type of insurance plan, including fully insured plans and those that are self-insured.

Contact Us Today

If you have recently had an insurance claim denied, you may be uncertain of your next steps. Do not allow the insurance company to get away with not paying the benefits they promised you. Our team is here to help you fight for the benefits covered by your plan. We will guide you through the process and work directly with the insurance company to build a case for your claim. Please reach out to us for more information or to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation!